JAGDA offers extensive support for individual designers through protection of creative work and benefit packages that ensure designers' rights.
Originality is a designer’s stock in trade, and the protection of this creativity is JAGDA’s biggest challenge. Also, as it is often the case that designers deal with other creators’ original work, it is JAGDA’s function to mediate and solve such complex copyright issues while defending the designer’s standpoint. With various benefit packages we also provide broad support in designers’ private lives.

Protection of Creative Work
Protecting designers' rights.
While appealing to the government and other public agencies to make legislative preparations for ensuring protection of designers’ rights, we educate our members through “FAQ” booklets and other publications, as well as seminars hosted by corporate lawyers among others. We framed special calculation standards to help determine appropriate and objectively adequate design production fees. In addition, JAGDA assists with the collection/distribution of fees for reproduction rights, and offers all sorts of legal advice.
Benefit Packages
Supporting designers in their private life.
JAGDA promotes National Health Insurance for Artists (for those who meet the specific conditions) and a range of other insurance packages to protect its professional members’ private lives. In addition, members can make use of a discount system we have established with several design supply stores.